Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sincere letter or campaign material?

At the beginning of June, I followed the counsel of my church leaders and contacted both Sen. Hatch and Sen. Bennett in regards to the constitutional amendment about marriage. I received a letter back from Sen. Hatch and nothing from Sen. Bennett.
The letter from Sen. Hatch outlines the process that happened and how much he had done to further this amendment. After I read the letter I made the comment, "You can tell it's an election year."
So does this mean that I think the letter wasn't sincere? No. I think the letter fully outlined Sen. Hatch's beliefs on the amendment.
I do think, however, how convenient that he could send a letter about how his beliefs matched theirs to hundreds of potential voters who followed the counsel of their church leaders and contacted Sen. Hatch about this amendment. This is a nice way to get around sending out campaign material and still differentiate himself from Pete Ashdown. Pete has said in the past, "I told the Deseret News that I think that defining marriage is invasive and I still believe that."

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